we have a missionary

Kate’s mission service officially began on December 31, 2023. She had a farewell during our Sunday church service. We gathered with friends and family during the day. That evening our President Mike Wright came over and she was set apart as a missionary for THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTERDAY SAINTS. He asked us to each share what we will miss about her and she was invited to do the same. We were all teary and it was a really sweet moment. The whole experience was the signal that this is really happening.

The next morning (New Years Day) was home MTC…what a way to start a brand new year! Kate loved her new district and companion…they were attending the same zoom lessons that she was. The schedule wasn’t bad and she was really beaming. I was so impressed with how easily she gave up her secular music, tv and social media. I felt like it was harder for me than it was for her!

Taking her to the MTC was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hard for me! We went to the park across the street to take a few photos and I was doing just fine. “This is going to be easy” I thought. She kept looking over her shoulder to the MTC while we were taking photos. I knew she wanted to get over there and meet her companion and district missionaries face to face. She already felt as though they were her best friends! We wrapped up pictures and followed the signs for drop off. I got out of the car to hug her good-bye and I was literally sobbing. A sweet missionary asked to take our photo and I couldn’t not get it together. It was terrible!

After we said our goodbyes, it took me several blocks to get my sobbing under control. Just as I pulled it together my phone gave me an alert from the AirTag Kate placed in her bag (intentionally). My phone alerted “CARIN DAVIS HAS LEFT HER LUGGAGE BEHIND” – I started crying all over again. It was brutal.

FORTUNATELY, Kate LOVED the MTC! I don’t think anyone has loved the MTC more than she did! It was a spiritual, inspiring and friendly start to the beginning of her mission adventure…which I know will hold so many more joys, struggles, hardships and triumphs. She has TOTALLY got this! The big question is: can I last 18 months without a hug from this girl!? I miss her every day!

If you want to see what she is up to…

  • you can follow along via google photos: HERE
  • her email address is: davis.kate@missionary.org
  • her mailing address is: 10502 Satellite Blvd Ste E, Orlando, FL 32837

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